Faith in the Future

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and think of something you want to write down but you hesitate to get up and do it?  You think, “no I should lay quiet and not turn on lights and maybe I will go back to sleep.”  “I can write this in the...

Mothers Who Raise Children from Another Mother

If you knew then what you know now, would you still have done it?   A church friend posed this to me about a year ago.  She was referring to our experience in taking in two homeless boys in the summer of 2013.  I cannot recall now what was going on at the time with...

Heredity or Environment?

“I have looked at our pics and it is clear we r related.” This text message from Celia reminded me of the first time I contacted her sister, my birth mom.  I wrote her telling her about myself, my view on adoption, (via a newspaper clipping I had written...