Why You Need A Mom Uniform

Why You Need A Mom Uniform

Oh, you don’t have a mom uniform? I bet you do. Think about it. If you are working from home full time either as a mother, or a mother with an office at home, you probably have a uniform. Actually, if you are working outside the home you have one too. Think...
Does Your Soul Need Minimalism? Part 4 in a Series

Does Your Soul Need Minimalism? Part 4 in a Series

I have been writing about Affluenza in the past three posts (first post here) and in this final post on the series I want us to consider if it is possible that Affluenza has infected our souls? Affluenza: “a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of...
How my stuff made me sick.  Part 1 in a series

How my stuff made me sick. Part 1 in a series

I am sick. No, not physically sick. Well, yes, maybe I am. For a year now I have been on a quest to reduce, declutter and minimalize pretty much everything in my life. It is not an easy project. It is exhausting. It is overwhelming. It is never-ending. This is why I...
That dirty word…clutter!

That dirty word…clutter!

We have a mess in the house right now.  For less than a month, we have seven people living in the house.  Our daughter Natalie and her new husband, Reid have joined us while they wait for their new apartment to be finished.   It really has been a blessing having them...